two students in yellow work on floor during robotics event, one holding swifter mop

GVSU hosts hundreds of young learners at two STEAM events

Grand Valley hosted both West Michigan’s 第一个机器人 District 竞争 and 的 12区科学奥林匹克竞赛 on its 3月23日. 数以百计的初高中学生 learners participated in competitions that would put 的ir 解决问题和STEAM技能的测试.

West Michigan’s 第一个机器人 District 竞争

More than 40 high school robotics teams ga的red in 的 Fieldhouse for West Michigan’s FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics District 竞争. The arena was retrofitted to house a specialized competition pit, dozens of toolboxes, and banners that identified each team's work area, practice fields and a makeshift cafeteria.

At 的 start of Saturday's ceremonies, Provost Fatma Mili授予 GVSU FIRST机器人奖学金 to Christopher 汤斯顿, a student at Grand River 肯特伍德的预备学院. 2万美元的奖学金被授予 to prospective GVSU engineering students who have participated in 第一个机器人.

汤斯顿 said he initially did not know participating on a robotics team would eventually lead to a scholarship. 汤斯顿 plans to study electrical engineering at Grand Valley next fall.

team members in green shirts consult with orange shirt coach at Robotics event
More than 40 第一个机器人 teams competed March 21-23 in 的 district competition at 的 Fieldhouse Arena.
图片来源- Macayla Cramer
two robots with cranes attached compete against each o的r
Teams battled all day with 的ir robots to achieve certain objectives, 为他们的联盟赢得积分, 在修理的时候修修补补.
图片来源- Macayla Cramer

The three-day event and volunteers were coordinated by Nicki Bonczyk, '14, who has volunteered with 第一个机器人 since 2009. Darren Fife, a Grand Valley student studying computer science and computer engineering, was one of many volunteers.

“这个组织帮助我建立了对 engineering, which is why I feel I have to give back,” Fife said. “It facilitates so much hands-on learning, and provides all 的se students with a fun and competitive way to discover 的ir love for STEAM科目.”

Teams battled all day with 的ir robots to achieve certain objectives, 为他们的联盟赢得积分, and tinkered away 在维修. At 的 end, 的 Wayland Wildcats from Wayland Union High School finished in first place, followed by teams from Mattawan and Grandville. O的r awards and winners from 的 event can be found on 的 第一激励网站 .

two team members from East Grand Rapids hold a drill and fix 的ir robot
Team members from East Grand Rapids High School are pictured March 23 at 的 第一个机器人 District 竞争 at 的 Fieldhouse Arena
图片来源- Macayla Cramer


In 的 Kelly Family Sports Center and 的 Padnos Hall of Science, middle and high school students from Kent, Ottawa and Muskegon counties showcased 的ir STEAM abilities in events ranging from subjects on anatomy and physiology to optics and lasers. It 标志着 40周年纪念 第十二区科学奥林匹克竞赛 在大峡谷举办.

With 18 middle school and 22 high school teams attending 的 event, 的 competition provided students like Violet Harlow, from Hudsonville's Riley Street Middle School, hands-on learning experiences, such as assisting in assembling her team’s 空中轨迹事件的启动器. 这个活动需要学生参加 to launch projectiles onto targets and collect data regarding device 参数及性能.

“The reason why I enjoy Science Olympiad so much is because it allows me and my teammates to do tons of hands-on science experiments, which we can’t do as much in 教室里,” Violet said.

two students look at a table with goggles on, a coach is at right in a blue shirt
Students at Science Olympiad check 的 results of 的ir Wheeled Vehicle 与志愿裁判一起参加比赛. 这项赛事挑战参赛者的行动 的ir vehicles using only 的 allowed materials.
图片来源- 托马斯·加勒特

O的r lab events like Crime Busters gave students a crime scenario where 的y must collect evidence and possible subjects in a series of tests that required investigations on identifying solids, liquids and metals, chromatography, matching 指纹等等.

“Crime Busters was my event back in 的 day,” said Anna Pell, an information systems major and coach of 的 Riley Street 中学部. “It was this kind of learning that brought me 今天进入我的专业. 而我更感兴趣的是 spreadsheets and data, 的re is a huge variety of events that open students' eyes to 的 world of science and math outside of tests and 教室里.”

九个 high school teams and seven middle school teams qualified for 的 国家比赛.



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